MMP 210
Week 1: Intro to p5
Week 2: Variables
Week 3: Static system variables
Week 3: Dynamic system variables
Week 4: Loop with circles
Week 4: Loop with grid
Week 4: A window
Week 4: Circle grid
Week 5: circles function
Week 5: window review
Week 5: window function
Week 6: Spaceship drawing
Week 6: Spaceship animating
Week 7: Text
Week 7: Animated text
Week 8: animated circles
Week 8: nested for loop
Week 8: lines
Week 8: rects and ellipses
Week 8: arcs
Week 9: spaceship arrays
Week 10: spaceship objects
Week 11: circle button
Week 11: html button
Week 11: map space to color
Week 11: add ellipses with mouse clicks
Week 11: change color with mouse press
Week 11: rectangle button
Week 11: 3d rotations and key presses
Week 12: image
Week 12: image grid
Week 12: image interaction
Week 12: random walker
Week 12: video
Week 12: 3d textures
Week 13: game sprites
Week 13: game with graphics
Welcome to MMP 210
Section 1400